Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Day in the Life

I hope Paul and/or Yoko don't sue us over the title of this post......

How we spend our days (most of them at least).

6 AM - Wake-up a few minutes before 6. Feed the pets first (so demanding). Wake-up Shannon and babies for the first feeding. Make breakfast and coffee. Get the paper. Sterilize bottles, nipples, and pump supplies.

7:30 AM - First feeding done...Nap time for Mom, Dad, Jacqueline, Sophie, and all pets!

9:00 AM - Time for "brunch" for Jacqueline and Sophie. Make Shannon a second breakfast. Read some of the paper. Spend some time with Raven. Other small kitchen tasks like unloading the dishwasher.

~10:30 AM - Girls should be sleeping. Showers and personal hygiene for Shannon and Jon. Maybe relax for a few minutes.

12:00 PM - Lunch time for everyone!

1:30 PM - If we are lucky, Shannon gets 30 to 60 minutes for herself. She checks email, reads a magazine, or vegetates in front of the TV. Jon does other chores or watches sleeping babies.

3:00 PM - Afternoon snack for Jacqueline and Sophie.

5 PM - Time for our daily walk around the neighborhood. We have quickly learned which sidewalks are stroller friendly. If we are really lucky, we also can sit on the front porch by ourselves and talk. Shannon had her first post-pregnancy beer on our porch to celebrate our anniverary. Jacqueline and Sophie' present was an hour of quiet time on the porch. Shannon had a Shipyard Special Export Ale. One of her favorite beers.

6 PM - Dinner for Sophie and Jacqueline. Jon starts preparing our dinner. Dinner for Mom and Dad comes later.

7:30 - Watch "Wheel of Fortune" or "Entertainment Tonight" while eating dinner; usually with one or both girls in our arms.

9 PM - Bedtime feeding.

10 PM - Shannon goes to bed. Jon watches TV or checks his email while trying to stay awake until the 12 AM feeding.

12 AM - Jon bottle feeds Jacqueline and Sophie. Shannon gets to sleep until 3 AM. I'm usually in bed by 1 AM or a little after.

3 AM - Late night feeding. Probably the toughest of them all. Shannon bottle feeds AND pumps. When the girls are bigger and breastfeeding is easier, maybe Shannon will not have to take the extra time and pump.

6 AM - Rinse & Repeat!

At all times there are pump supplies and bottles to be washed, diapers to be changed, and babies to comfort.


Analee said...

hum. maybe 2 aren't that different than 1. except twice the diapers. and twice the bottles to wash.

GLAD the BF is coming along as God intended! i hope next time i can do the same.

and glad ya'll are also finding time to relax AND exercise! (something at which i did not nor currently do well.)

Mrs. B said...

You both look amazing, considering this grueling schedule! So do the girls! Great to see you (albeit briefly) yesterday.

And, yeah, we got RAINED ON BIG TIME!

Mrs. B said...

Hola from Mexico. Love the slide show! Amy and Mark

Miriam said...

I have to hand it to you guys, I could not handle two at once! There are times when just one had me pulling out my hair. Hope you have settled into your routine and life as "mom and dad." Can't wait to meet the girls some time!