Saturday, July 26, 2008

Long Time No Update

Phew!!! What an exciting 6 weeks. Jacqueline and Sophie will be 7 weeks old next Tuesday. They already have grown...physically and personality.

So what can I say about them? It's been so long since I've updated, I don't know where to start. How about if we start at the beginning?

Sophie started out as the independent one. She was more than happy to entertain herself in the bouncer chair, pack n play, or whereever. She also loved her pacifier. Jacqueline, on the other hand, well....she quickly earned the nickname "HM". "Her majesty". "High Maintenance". The running joke for a couple weeks was that we already felt very sorry for Jacqueline's future husband. Jacqueline always had to be carried. We bought a sling and I would carry her around for hours, with her all snuggled up and cooing like a bird. The only way you could put her down was to swaddle her really tight.

A couple weeks ago, Sophie started to crave more cuddle time and started losing interest in the bouncer chair and pacifier. Fortunately, Jacqueline became a little more independent. Give her a pacifier and she would lay in the pack n play for a while.

Very recently, they both have learned how to entertain themselves. Hands, fingers, toys/lights/mobiles on their chairs have become fascinating. They are starting to associate their movements activate the songs/lights and that their hand/figures are always nearby. They might not realize that they belong to them. Surprisingly, they like seem to like a variety of activities. Our job is to figure out what they want to play with. This morning, they are enjoying their swings. Yesterday, it was bouncer chairs.

Another momentous event occurred this week. We moved the girls upstairs to their nursery. It is time to begin teaching them to sleep thru the night. Also, they are geting too big for both to fit in the pack n play at the same time.

Shannon and her Mom witnessed their first developmental milestone this past week. Both can smile to display their happiness. Sophie started first. Jacqueline started a few days later. We already knew they had pretty smiles. They always smiled reflexively after performing some form of bodily function. Seeing a relfexive smile was a great hint to check a diaper.

Sophie and Jacqueline are growing like weeds too. At 4 weeks, Sophie was 9 lbs 5 oz and Jacqueline was 7 lbs 10 oz. This week, using our highly scientific daddy tare weight method, we determined Sophie is right around 10 lbs and Jacqueline is almost 9 lbs. Jacqueline is quickly narrowing the gap in their weights. Sophie is still obviously bigger because she is stocky. Seems Jacqueline is more like me....long and lanky. She isn't filling out...just growing longer.

Mom and Dad are doing well. I realized the other day that in the almost 7 weeks since Sophie and Jacqueline were born, Shannon has been alone with the girls for only 5 days. I took 3 weeks off work to enjoy the time with the family. But since I've been back to work, we've had great support from my Mom and Shannon's parents. Wow! What a life saver! Shannon has had company while I'm at work, someone to learn new parenting skills from, help around the house (thanks to my Mom!), and willing assistance for the late night feedings. I was relieved of late night duty for the week while Wanda (Shannon's Mom) was here. Thank goodness too because I needed the rest. Right after the girls were born, I developed a nasty sore throat and viral sinus infection. Nothing I could do about it but rest. However, how do you rest when you're caring for infant twins? 5 weeks later, I still had the cold. It was really draining my energy too. One night this past week, I came home and slept for 9 hours. Something I could only do with Shannon's Mom here. I'm finally feeling better...still a little froggy though.

With her Mom here, Shannon was able to get out some too. Tyler's seemed to be a favorite destination. Wonder why? Sophie and Jacqueline can handle about 2 to 3 hours out on the town before the meltdown begins.

Shannon's Mom left this morning for Philadelphia. We wish she could've stayed, but she has another new granddaughter to attend to. Tara and Mike had a baby girl (Alina Grace) this week. Alena was about the size of Jacqueline, but looks exactly like Sophie. Congratulations to them!!

Besides family, I have to thank all our friends who have helped us over the last 6 weeks. Meals, grocery runs, yard work, and walks were all greatly appreciated. Y'all helped save our sanity.

That's about it. I'm sure Shannon has other details. Maybe she'll get a chance to update y'all with more information. I'll update the slideshow with some new photos.

In the meantime. Check out the two baby photos. Question #1. Do you think Jacqueline looks like my baby photo? Can you tell who is who?'ll have to wait.....need to reduce the size of my baby photo. Be patient.


Mrs. B said...

We were pretty impressed with how far they've progressed in the few weeks since we last saw them!

And, I know the pix of which you speak and J most definitely looks like her dad!

Analee said...

i can't wait to see them again, i know they have grown like weed!

and in another month or two, they'll be SO much more independent... sitting up, feeding themselves a bottle, etc. it is wonderful that they grow, but it is also sad that they grow so fast. i was rocking kendal to sleep on monday night (he has a tummy ache and was not able to get to sleep on his own) and i was just sobbing there with him on my chest (thanks to pregnancy hormones). i remember when he would FIT on my chest, and not have legs hanging all down between mine. now his crotch rests on my leg and his head just below my collarbone. he is so big. i can't believe he will be 11 months this month.