Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sophie Moment

Sophie was opening/closing kitchen cabinet doors repetitively, as toddlers are apt to do, the other night. One time, she accidentally bopped herself in the head with the door. Her subsequent reaction surprised me and provided further evidence the kids are growing up.

Instead of crying, she kept silent. She stopped and rubbed her head. A moment later, she let out a loud "AARRGGHH" in a very frustrated tone. I could just see her little mind saying: "How could I be so stupid to bang myself in the head? I know better than that. I really need to be more careful."

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Some Things I've Learned about Parenthood

If your child is going to vomit in bed, it is easier to handle if it happens at 8:30 PM instead of 3:00 AM.

At 19 months old, the girls always look to Mom (the primary caregiver) for comfort when something really bad happens (see above).

Mom earns bonus points for staying awake most the night comforting their child and then still doing all the laundry the next day!

You can't rationalize a toddler's behavior, especially when it comes to food.

Toddlers love to share, especially really nasty stomach viruses!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our friend and family!
It was a busy holiday for the Thornburgs. We hope to update everyone soon!