Friday, August 13, 2010

Random Thoughts From An Airport

I'm sitting in Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport waiting for my red eye flight back to NC. Everthing is closed and there is not much to do, so why not blog a bunch of random thoughts.......

1. Phoenix Sky Harbor always reminds me of Sky Harbor airport in Terre Haute, near Uncle David's and Aunt Nancy's old house.

2. It sucks when an airline loses your luggage. It sucks even more when it arrives at your destination (Libby, MT) about 36 hours before you have to return to NC.

3. Good thing is Delta accepted all my receipts for toiletries, clothes, and ruined clothes. I was doing field work and ruined a nice shirt and my best pair of jeans.

4. is hot in Phoenix. At least it is a dry heat. 110 F is not bad with 10% humidity.

5. My next stops: New Hope PA to see Shannon, kids, and Shannon's parents. I'm looking forward to a long weekend seeing everyone, fishing, and sitting by the pool drinking beer.

6. Yes, I do miss Shannon, Jacqueline, and Sophie. A LOT!!!!! It has been almost 2 weeks since I have seen them. When I callled tonight, I talked with Sophie. She exclaimed "Daddy!!!" when I said "hi" on the phone. Nice to hear she has not forgotten me.

7. Next trip after the long weekend in New Hope......Seoul, South Korea then the family reunion in Indiana. We'll see how both trips go. Want to bet Delta loses my luggage?

8. Free wireless in an airport is awesome. Phoenix, Memphis, and Dayton are the only airporst I know that offer that service. Why don't all airports offer free wireless?

9. I've watched more movies in the last 2 weeks than in the last 4 months. Julie/Julia was really good. Terminator 4 was decent. Rocky Balboa (is that Rocky 6?) was self absorbed and disappointing.

10. Remind me Cousin Andy wants me to bring a case of beer to IN to swap for some New Glarus. Thanks.

11. It is easier to deal with the "dry heat."

12. "Real Mexcian" food in AZ has gone gotten worse over the last few years. Took a group of people to my favorite local place. It has become over-priced and not very good. Not a good way to entertain potential clients. You can find better in NC.

13. Thank goodness I have an Exit Row seat on the flight from Phoenix to Atlanta. It'll be nice to stretch out and try to sleep before a long day of meetings.

14. Have I mentioned that I miss Shannon and the kids? This is the hard part of traveling for business.

15. A good thing about traveling is that I have a good plan for an enjoyable flight to LA in a few years. And I have the frequent flier miles to pay for plane tickets. Yes, we will go to LA and not Orlando. Go to the original......not 2nd best. A hint of advice (based on observation....not experience). Relax and enjoy the trip. Focus on the fun and the kids joy in the new experience. Freaking out and becoming stressed will just make it worse. Also, don't want to pay $8 for a PBJ sandwich? Pack your own. You have to purchase your drinks inside the terminal (or fill up from drinking fountain), but you can haul in as much food as you want. For a family of 4, checking that 1 bag for $25 will easily save you more money in food if you use that carry-on bag for sandwiches/fruit/snacks.

that is all. thanks for reading my brain dump. see y'all soon!