Saturday, March 21, 2009

More Developments

Another day of developments by Sophie and Jacqueline. They are growing FAST!!!

This morning S&J and I were playing catch with a ball. We were throwing it back and forth to each other. Sophie was better than Jacqueline; better gross motor skills. (Jacqueline has better fine motor skills....she can pick-up the smallest crumb off her high chair....but I digress.) Sophie definitely is left-handed. Jacqueline is right-handed. Sophie laughed and giggled the entire time we played catch.

This afternoon, while Jacqueline and Dad were napping, Sophie pulled herself into a standing position. Sophie is still a little wobbly once she's up. Her milk gut is too big! We just tried to have Jacqueline pull herself luck. If put place her in a cruising position, though, she is very steady on her feet.

Time to get back to the family.......

1 comment:

Analee said...

awwww! another lefty to join the thornburg clan! i think holly will be right handed. the first time i saw her grab her toes it was with her right hand. but i've since seen her do it the other way. kendal is VERY left handed.

isn't it fun to watch them play? you are lucky you have 2 the same size/age so they can play together. that is definitely a benefit of twins...

can't wait to see them again one day!!!