Sunday, March 22, 2009

Another Empty Bottle

I finished the last finger of a scotch bottle the other night. Glenmorangie 12 Yr Port Wood Finish. Doc gave it to me for Christmas a few years ago.

Like all the scotch I've enjoyed, I drank this one slowly. A little here and there when I was in the mood for something easy on the senses. I also learned something new with this bottle. Sometimes a drop or two of water to release the aromas and flavors is needed. That's how I drank the last half. Doing so really opened the chocolate and mint flavors.

Now, it's time to move on to something new. Good think Dad is bringing me another bottle of something when he and Mom return from Florida.

1 comment:

Mrs. B said...

I got a nice bottle for Mark while in FL and he generously said you may have a bit if you'd like!

16 year old double cask something or another.