Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Doc Enjoying a Coors

Here is the link to the photo mentioned in the previous blog.


We'll try to get a scanned version posted soon.

If you read the comments from the "Dad's Favorite Beer" post, Doc raised an interesting question.

What will our kids think of our habits? Jacqueline & Sophie will probably think that "Dad did not have a favorite beer"....because I drink so many different varieties.

p.s. Jacqueline loves nothing better than wrapping her lips (and sore gums) on a nice, cold beer bottle.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dad's Favorite Beer

In case you don't subscribe, All About Beer magazine has a story on Dad's favorite beer. Readers were asked to submit brief anecdotes of their Dad's beer drinking habits. Also included was a list of all the beers that readers submitted. I'd heard of many, but a lot were local brews that, unfortunately, have stopped production.

I missed the submission deadline because I heard about it too late. So, here is my blog submission.

Dad's tradition (like most stories in the article) was to come home from work and immediately swing by the fridge to grab a beer before going to change clothes. That beer would be empty by the time he was changed. His second beer accompanied dinner or was consumed while grilling (usually on weekends). If I remember correctly, his third beer was optional on weeknights but almost always drunk on weekends.

Dad's favorites (unlike many other Dads) seemed to vary over the years. Dad has told stories of drinking PBR and Schlitz in the 60's. Coors was the favorite in the 70's. I distinctly remember Dad and Grandpa sitting in the garage at the farmhouse drinking Coors (probably hauled from California) and playing cards. Stroh's was the beer of the 80's, although I remember Dad consuming other brands occasionally. The other brands must have been "on sale." All these beers were canned; he never drank from bottles.

Somewhere along the way, maybe while on business travel, Dad started drinking imports. English and Irish beers seemed to be a favorite, especially Guinness (and remains so to this day). Dad contributed heavily to my beer bottle collection I accumulated in high school. My guess is Dad's fondness for imports led to his enjoyment of craft brews that became popular in the 90's.

Today, his house is always stocked with Yuengling, Guinness, Mendocino Brewing Co. beer (when on sale), and Corona (although I think that is for Mom). Carolina Brewery is another favorite, only available in growlers or 5 gal kegs. Dad will have to build his keg-erator so he can have a continual stash. That would get me over to their house a lot more...=). I don't remember Dad ever drinking Bud and Miller products.

My most vivid memory actually revolves around Doc and Dad. As a toddler, Doc would follow Dad around the house hoping for the "last sip." Dad almost always gave his almost empty can to Doc. There is a famous family photo of Doc sitting on the couch, head tilted all the way back with a Coors can to his lips, making sure he got the last drop.

If anyone has that picture, please scan it and share with everyone.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Another Empty Bottle

I finished the last finger of a scotch bottle the other night. Glenmorangie 12 Yr Port Wood Finish. Doc gave it to me for Christmas a few years ago.

Like all the scotch I've enjoyed, I drank this one slowly. A little here and there when I was in the mood for something easy on the senses. I also learned something new with this bottle. Sometimes a drop or two of water to release the aromas and flavors is needed. That's how I drank the last half. Doing so really opened the chocolate and mint flavors.

Now, it's time to move on to something new. Good think Dad is bringing me another bottle of something when he and Mom return from Florida.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

More Developments

Another day of developments by Sophie and Jacqueline. They are growing FAST!!!

This morning S&J and I were playing catch with a ball. We were throwing it back and forth to each other. Sophie was better than Jacqueline; better gross motor skills. (Jacqueline has better fine motor skills....she can pick-up the smallest crumb off her high chair....but I digress.) Sophie definitely is left-handed. Jacqueline is right-handed. Sophie laughed and giggled the entire time we played catch.

This afternoon, while Jacqueline and Dad were napping, Sophie pulled herself into a standing position. Sophie is still a little wobbly once she's up. Her milk gut is too big! We just tried to have Jacqueline pull herself up....no luck. If put place her in a cruising position, though, she is very steady on her feet.

Time to get back to the family.......

Thursday, March 19, 2009

An Old Family Fave Has Made It To Durham

I stopped by Sam's today to pick-up a few 6 packs. While there, I saw one of the Thornburg-Burling clan's favorite beers. I had seen it a couple weeks ago at Tyler's, but it had slipped my mind.

Nope....not original Leinie's. I do wish it would come to NC. I guess folks in Wisconsin don't want to share with the rest of us (who could blame them?)!

Fat Tire and the other beers from New Belgium Brewing are now sold in NC.

After reading this post, Amy might make a stop at Sam's before going home.


Although I have tons of work to do, I need to take a minute and get something off my chest.

This morning I realized (again) how fragile life is.

Natasha Richardson's death was the start. Later this morning, I learned one of my colleagues died unexpectedly yesterday. Jon Black had been in the hospital for over a week. The doctor's thought it was pancreatitis. The autopsy determined he had terminal, inoperable pancreatic cancer. The cancer had gone undetected.

Jon is my age. He also has two little girls.

As of March 9th, he was healthy. We had a meeting together that afternoon. Ten days later, he is gone.

A sobering thought for a Dad with two little girls.....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Drum Roll Please......

Sophie is now crawling.....

She started Tuesday at Gymboree. She showed me Wednesday evening.

She may only crawl backwards and she moves as fast as a snail, but she is now mobile.

Shannon may suddenly become a lot busier in the next couple weeks!


The hoopla over the $1 million bonuses paid to certain AIG employees brings to mind the Bare Naked Ladies song "If I had a Million Dollars."

Them: If I had a million dollars, I could barely get by for another year....

Me: If I had a million dollars, I'd be rich.

Monday, March 16, 2009


With a roll of drums.....we are proud to announce that.....

Jacqueline now drinks (successfully) from a sippy cup!


She has been successfully placing her pacifier in her mouth for about 2 months. We're glad to see she adapted that ability to the sippy cup. I think she even makes the connection that water-juice is there to drink when she is thirsty.

p.s. For those of you thinking we'd announce Sophie is crawling.....it won't be long......

Saturday, March 7, 2009

New Photos

Finally.....new pictures are posted in the slideshow. We hope you enjoy.

More news coming soon!