I hope Paul and/or Yoko don't sue us over the title of this post......
How we spend our days (most of them at least).
6 AM - Wake-up a few minutes before 6. Feed the pets first (so demanding). Wake-up Shannon and babies for the first feeding. Make breakfast and coffee. Get the paper. Sterilize bottles, nipples, and pump supplies.
7:30 AM - First feeding done...Nap time for Mom, Dad, Jacqueline, Sophie, and all pets!
9:00 AM - Time for "brunch" for Jacqueline and Sophie. Make Shannon a second breakfast. Read some of the paper. Spend some time with Raven. Other small kitchen tasks like unloading the dishwasher.
~10:30 AM - Girls should be sleeping. Showers and personal hygiene for Shannon and Jon. Maybe relax for a few minutes.
12:00 PM - Lunch time for everyone!
1:30 PM - If we are lucky, Shannon gets 30 to 60 minutes for herself. She checks email, reads a magazine, or vegetates in front of the TV. Jon does other chores or watches sleeping babies.
3:00 PM - Afternoon snack for Jacqueline and Sophie.
5 PM - Time for our daily walk around the neighborhood. We have quickly learned which sidewalks are stroller friendly. If we are really lucky, we also can sit on the front porch by ourselves and talk. Shannon had her first post-pregnancy beer on our porch to celebrate our anniverary. Jacqueline and Sophie' present was an hour of quiet time on the porch. Shannon had a Shipyard Special Export Ale. One of her favorite beers.
6 PM - Dinner for Sophie and Jacqueline. Jon starts preparing our dinner. Dinner for Mom and Dad comes later.
7:30 - Watch "Wheel of Fortune" or "Entertainment Tonight" while eating dinner; usually with one or both girls in our arms.
9 PM - Bedtime feeding.
10 PM - Shannon goes to bed. Jon watches TV or checks his email while trying to stay awake until the 12 AM feeding.
12 AM - Jon bottle feeds Jacqueline and Sophie. Shannon gets to sleep until 3 AM. I'm usually in bed by 1 AM or a little after.
3 AM - Late night feeding. Probably the toughest of them all. Shannon bottle feeds AND pumps. When the girls are bigger and breastfeeding is easier, maybe Shannon will not have to take the extra time and pump.
6 AM - Rinse & Repeat!
At all times there are pump supplies and bottles to be washed, diapers to be changed, and babies to comfort.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Meet Jacqueline & Sophie
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Beer Review #3
Nothing to do on an extremely warm Sunday afternoon. Why not drink a beer and write a review?
Beer: SOB (Special Old Bitter) Ale, Atlantic Brewing Co., Bar Harbor ME
My Dad brought this back from a trip to Maine
Occasion: Killin' time on a Sunday
First Impression: Impressive foamy head that keeps on going like the Engergizer Bunny
Aroma: Non-existent
Body: Flat, uniform feel - almost watery
Taste: All alcohol from start to finish. Maybe some hops, but hard to tell.
Overall Impression: Drinkable in its current state. I think the bottle may be a little old. Dad gave it to me last October. I would give this beer another shot if I had a fresh bottle.
Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars.
Beer Review #2

Beer: Shining Rock Lager from Highland Brewing Company, Asheville NC
A seasonal Maibock available in May at Sam's Quik Shop
Occasion: Amy & Mark's kitchen after 5 minutes of work to cut wood for the nursery AC unit. The 100 F heat necessitated 2 hours conversation and beer.
First Impression: I was not impressed by my first sip...my mistake. The aroma of the spicy noble hops caught my attention.
Aroma: Reminded me of spring...floral & spicy.
Taste: Wicked combination of malts was very complex. Light on the palate with the spicy/alcohol finish.
Overall Impression: A very nice Maibock. One of the better Maibock's I have tasted. I think the front was a little too complex; I was overwhelmed by too many flavors.
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.
June Books
Can you believe I read 3 books in June? I'm surprised. I will admit two books were short, quick reads. I attribute my success reading to the lack of anything remotely entertaining on daytime TV.
Cluster by Piers Anthony. I returned to my teenage roots again to re-read this sci-fi novel. I remember it not being one of my favorites at that time. After reading it again, I realize I was a little young to fully understand the nuances in the book. I did understand the sex, though! A classic, sci-fi tale about using your intellect, naivete, and libido to unite a galaxy of different cultures. The underlying morals of the story (acceptance of differences, cooperation for the common good) are classic themes. This book, I think, also was the first by the author that had a heavy Tarot influence. The remainder of this series (4 more books) plus another trilogy revolve heavily around Tarot as a unifying tool explain how people's actions affect the fate of the universe. I'll need to learn more about Tarot from Amy and maybe have her give me a reading.
Cluster by Piers Anthony. I returned to my teenage roots again to re-read this sci-fi novel. I remember it not being one of my favorites at that time. After reading it again, I realize I was a little young to fully understand the nuances in the book. I did understand the sex, though! A classic, sci-fi tale about using your intellect, naivete, and libido to unite a galaxy of different cultures. The underlying morals of the story (acceptance of differences, cooperation for the common good) are classic themes. This book, I think, also was the first by the author that had a heavy Tarot influence. The remainder of this series (4 more books) plus another trilogy revolve heavily around Tarot as a unifying tool explain how people's actions affect the fate of the universe. I'll need to learn more about Tarot from Amy and maybe have her give me a reading.
The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis. Book 4 of the Narnia series. A quick, easy read while adjusting to the new routine at home with Sophie & Jacqueline. I did like the moral of the story - follow through when an authority figure gives you instructions or your life will become more difficult.
The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis. Book 5 of the Narnia series. This book showed its age. The story is not very accepting of other cultures. Also, it is a little heavy on the "divine intervention" influence on your life.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Quick Beer Reviews
I'm sitting in Federals finishing my beer after completing some work I forgot about before leaving the office this afternoon. (Tangent: I go to Federals to access the RTI system, instead of staying home, because RTI network and Road Runner can't communicate. At least that is what I tell Shannon...JK).
I tried 2 new beers this afternoon. One was good. One was horrible.
Good: Gateway Kolsch by French Broad Brewery. Always can trust an NC beer
Terrible: Censored IPA by Lagunitus Brewery CA. STAY AWAY...BAD BEER.
I tried 2 new beers this afternoon. One was good. One was horrible.
Good: Gateway Kolsch by French Broad Brewery. Always can trust an NC beer
Terrible: Censored IPA by Lagunitus Brewery CA. STAY AWAY...BAD BEER.
May Books
I read only 1 book, again, in May.
I must admit I started 2 others, but gave up after 100 pages. Sorry, I can't remember the titles or authors. Both were Sci-Fi so I doubt any of my loyal readers may accidentally choose these books.
The book I did read: Ice Limit by the esteemed duo of Lincoln Child and Douglas Preston. Why do I keep returning to this duo? Entertaining w/o the need for many IQ points is why.
This book was quite enjoyable until the last 30 pages. Good action, interesting characters, and just enough Sci-Fi to keep me hooked. The ending...well, let's just say their attempt to avoid being stereotypical was disappointing. If this book was made into a movie, the studio would develop 3 or 10 different endings and they all would leave the audience wondering "what?".
I must admit I started 2 others, but gave up after 100 pages. Sorry, I can't remember the titles or authors. Both were Sci-Fi so I doubt any of my loyal readers may accidentally choose these books.
The book I did read: Ice Limit by the esteemed duo of Lincoln Child and Douglas Preston. Why do I keep returning to this duo? Entertaining w/o the need for many IQ points is why.
This book was quite enjoyable until the last 30 pages. Good action, interesting characters, and just enough Sci-Fi to keep me hooked. The ending...well, let's just say their attempt to avoid being stereotypical was disappointing. If this book was made into a movie, the studio would develop 3 or 10 different endings and they all would leave the audience wondering "what?".
Okay. The wait is becoming excruciating! I can't focus at work, unless in a meeting or working on a crisis. I'm doing better now that I have a beer in hand while at Federals.
I do find reading takes my mind off the "wait." Other than that, I seem to be restless all the time. Fidgety, ADD symptoms, lack of concentration.....I suffer from them all.
It's kinda like how it was waiting to marry Shannon. I had an entire week to chill in Texas. The difference is I was able to hang with college friends and drink excessive amounts of beer. Can't do that now. My one fear is the girls coming after I've had a couple. I don't do well w/o much sleep....add a couple beers and see what happens. I'm sure the adrenaline will kick-in when the time comes.
Let's digress. Anyone ever wonder why I call Shannon by the nickname "Smohr". First, I had to give Shannon a nickname. It was a college tradition of mine (and I presume everyone elses....great idea for a blog entry if anyone needs a topic). Shannon was easy. Take her maiden name: Mohr. Add the "S" from Shannon and voila! By coincidence it also happens to be a homonym with the best camping treat of all time! Anyone remember Camp Chimichaunga, Chickamauga, or whatever that campground near San Diego was called (Cucamonga, I think)? Ahem, don't touch the red hot coat hangers used to roast the marshmallows!
Anyway, like all terms of endearment, the name stuck. Now it has reached the point where "Smohr" is used in everyday conversation. "Shannon" is only used when I'm upset with her. That doesn't happen very often, I might add.
Anyway, time to return home and play the waiting game.
I do find reading takes my mind off the "wait." Other than that, I seem to be restless all the time. Fidgety, ADD symptoms, lack of concentration.....I suffer from them all.
It's kinda like how it was waiting to marry Shannon. I had an entire week to chill in Texas. The difference is I was able to hang with college friends and drink excessive amounts of beer. Can't do that now. My one fear is the girls coming after I've had a couple. I don't do well w/o much sleep....add a couple beers and see what happens. I'm sure the adrenaline will kick-in when the time comes.
Let's digress. Anyone ever wonder why I call Shannon by the nickname "Smohr". First, I had to give Shannon a nickname. It was a college tradition of mine (and I presume everyone elses....great idea for a blog entry if anyone needs a topic). Shannon was easy. Take her maiden name: Mohr. Add the "S" from Shannon and voila! By coincidence it also happens to be a homonym with the best camping treat of all time! Anyone remember Camp Chimichaunga, Chickamauga, or whatever that campground near San Diego was called (Cucamonga, I think)? Ahem, don't touch the red hot coat hangers used to roast the marshmallows!
Anyway, like all terms of endearment, the name stuck. Now it has reached the point where "Smohr" is used in everyday conversation. "Shannon" is only used when I'm upset with her. That doesn't happen very often, I might add.
Anyway, time to return home and play the waiting game.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Shannon thinks I am nesting. According to the books, nesting is a behavior pregnant women exhibit to make sure they have their homes and lives in order before the chaos of raising children begins.
Maybe I am nesting. Maybe I am trying to selfishly squeezing as many of my favorite activities (within reason) into the final few days before Sophie and Jacqueline are born. Actually, what I am doing is not really selfish. I enjoy these activities, but Shannon & the pets benefit too. Shannon is very large & not very mobile. Combined with the pains from false labor, she is not the happiest camper in the world. As a good "coach", I need to keep her happy....usually with good meals, spending time with her, and allowing her to take it easy. The pets are acting kinda strange too. Not really strange like "Shannon is going into labor" strange, but they have been awfully needy. I figured I better spend time with them because they will feel neglected soon enough.
So what am I doing? Well, since last Saturday I have:
1. Selected several yummy recipes & went grocery shopping to get the ingredients. For whatever reason, I love grocery shopping and look forward to doing it so it is a "fun" activity.
2. Invited some neighbors to walk to the Farmer's Market on Saturday morning. We all took our dogs too, so Raven got to have a nice walk. While there, I purchased lots of fresh veggies to go with our meals. I really enjoyed myself and so did Raven.
3. Napped upstairs on the couch Saturday and Sunday afternoon with Raz & Tweedle.
4. Got my cooking fix satiated for the next couple weeks. I made calzones for the first time in my life. YUMMY! Shannon wasn't hungry that night, but we'll eat leftovers for dinner tomorrow. Also made steak & veggie quesadillas, veggie scrambled eggs & bacon, and pork tenderloin with sauteed kale.
5. Enjoyed some really good beer and port either by myself or with friends.
6. Made homemade chocolate chip ice cream. Shannon ate some ice cream even though she wasn't hungry.
7. Enjoyed sitting on the front porch enjoying a beer, talking with Shannon & eating the homemade ice cream, or listening to the thunderstorms.
8. Finished the spring yard work. Mulched the front. Planted tomatos (plants courtesy of Jon Cates, cages from Doug & Becky). Planted some nice flowers in an empty barrel along the driveway.
So, I don't think I am "nesting". Helping Shannon and spending as much time with the pets as much as possible before the girls are born is more like. I suppose I am distracting myself too. I am getting awfully excited.
Maybe I am nesting. Maybe I am trying to selfishly squeezing as many of my favorite activities (within reason) into the final few days before Sophie and Jacqueline are born. Actually, what I am doing is not really selfish. I enjoy these activities, but Shannon & the pets benefit too. Shannon is very large & not very mobile. Combined with the pains from false labor, she is not the happiest camper in the world. As a good "coach", I need to keep her happy....usually with good meals, spending time with her, and allowing her to take it easy. The pets are acting kinda strange too. Not really strange like "Shannon is going into labor" strange, but they have been awfully needy. I figured I better spend time with them because they will feel neglected soon enough.
So what am I doing? Well, since last Saturday I have:
1. Selected several yummy recipes & went grocery shopping to get the ingredients. For whatever reason, I love grocery shopping and look forward to doing it so it is a "fun" activity.
2. Invited some neighbors to walk to the Farmer's Market on Saturday morning. We all took our dogs too, so Raven got to have a nice walk. While there, I purchased lots of fresh veggies to go with our meals. I really enjoyed myself and so did Raven.
3. Napped upstairs on the couch Saturday and Sunday afternoon with Raz & Tweedle.
4. Got my cooking fix satiated for the next couple weeks. I made calzones for the first time in my life. YUMMY! Shannon wasn't hungry that night, but we'll eat leftovers for dinner tomorrow. Also made steak & veggie quesadillas, veggie scrambled eggs & bacon, and pork tenderloin with sauteed kale.
5. Enjoyed some really good beer and port either by myself or with friends.
6. Made homemade chocolate chip ice cream. Shannon ate some ice cream even though she wasn't hungry.
7. Enjoyed sitting on the front porch enjoying a beer, talking with Shannon & eating the homemade ice cream, or listening to the thunderstorms.
8. Finished the spring yard work. Mulched the front. Planted tomatos (plants courtesy of Jon Cates, cages from Doug & Becky). Planted some nice flowers in an empty barrel along the driveway.
So, I don't think I am "nesting". Helping Shannon and spending as much time with the pets as much as possible before the girls are born is more like. I suppose I am distracting myself too. I am getting awfully excited.
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