Thursday, October 2, 2008


Something a friend of mine posted on a blog recently reminded me of a conversation I had with my mom during this last visit. Specifically, we were wondering why Hillary Clinton is often referred to as a "b*tch" while Sarah Palin is simply referred to as "feisty." To me, they are both motivated people who know what they want and go after it. So, why all of this negativity about Hillary while people treat Palin with kid gloves. Is it because Palin is prettier (she is a beauty queen, after all), not as smart (how many colleges did she attend before getting a degree), was able to have more children including a developmentally disabled one and one that got herself knocked up out of wedlock (if that doesn't elicit sympathy, I don't know what does), etc.? I don't know, but I find the love affair that some have with Palin troubling. Maybe especially because Palin scares me to death despite her cutsie hockey mom claims. I am thankful that some, including those in her own party, are starting to get nervous as well. Political analysis has shown that elections are rarely decided by the vice presidential picks...I wonder if this time will be different. Tonight's debate should be very, very interesting...maybe even amusing considering that Palin avoids answering questions and fakes answers to questions she doesn't know and Biden's potential to "gaffe" on occasion. I know that I will be watching!!!

1 comment:

Miriam said...

IMHO, I think that Clinton comes off as cold, manipulative, and power hungry, as well as entrenched in the political machine. She would do a lot better to be more feminine and less shrill (yet still strong), I think she would have won over a lot more people during the primaries. Palin in contrast is a fresh face who has the ability to better connect with ordinary Americans (though I think she was a little too folksy/quirky in her performance last night). I don't think it is solely appearance...and I do believe that there is a massive difference between "book smart" and "common sense smart" (look at our classmates, you have got to agree there!!). As far as her daughter goes, I think it is rotten, but on the other hand, there but for the grace of God go I - I was foolish in high school, and without a healthy dose of good luck I would have a 20 year old kid. And I do respect the family for standing by their values and beliefs despite the tough road ahead.
I wonder if in some ways perhaps Clinton reminds men of what they don't like about their wives, and Palin reminds them of what they do like? >:-) Please don't throw any rotten tomatoes at me for that one.