Monday, March 8, 2010

Adventures with Daddy - Day 4

Day 4 – Fussy!

Maybe it was the cold weather, the rain, the long drive, all the fun they were having, the lack of naps or all of the above, but J&S were FUSSY today.

It was raining, so we went to the GWIZ kids museum. For GWIZ, we had to pay 1 senior citizen admission since we have a membership to the Durham Museum of Life & Science. (A savings of $19 for the penny pinchers out there.) We only saw the indoor exhibits since it was raining; although the outdoor exhibits looked nice. At first I thought J&S would be too young for the museum. I was wrong (and it wasn’t the first and won’t be the last time). The fact J&S enjoyed themselves is a testament to the quality of the museum. Jacqueline particularly enjoyed learning about centrifugal force. Sophie enjoyed the plasma arc glass ball. The grandparents and I enjoyed ourselves too.

Because it was raining, GWIZ became very crowded about 30 minutes after we arrived. Soon after, J&S started to melt into globs of crying, screaming baby. I had to play “Dad” and suggested we just take the kids back to the RV for a quiet lunch and (hopefully) a nap. Grandpa was constantly trying to keep both J&S awake during the 30 minute drive back to the RV. He succeeded. J&S ate lunch then went down for nap easily.

Dad took advantage of nap time and went to a coffee shop for faster internet so he could do some work. Yes, working on a big proposal while on “vacation” stinks but has to be done. Dad also asked me to pick up some beer while I was out. I bought myself some Scotch while out too.

J&S woke while I was gone, but Grandpa and Grandma had a good time reading books and playing with puzzles. The sky cleared during nap, so we ventured outside to play before dinner. J&S had to master the RV stairs, and they did.

The rest of the evening was smooth. J&S had another yummy dinner prepared by Grandma (Mac & Cheese w/ peas and corn & brownies for dessert) before tolerating their baths then going to bed.

Grandpa and I went out to the Sarasota Brewing Company after the girls wend to sleep. Pizza was okay… was bad. Beer was watery with little body. Easy to tell the brewer is trying to minimize costs by skimping on the barley. A glass of Famous Grouse with Grandpa back at the RV made up for the bad beer though.

1 comment:

Mrs. B said...

Adorable pictures, JT!