Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Top 8 Things Not to Say to Your Breastfeeding Wife

8. "Would you like hay for dinner or are you going to chew your cud?"
7. "Give me a B - O - O - B - I - E - S...what's that spell? BOOBIES!!" Picture Jon in a cheerleader outfit with pom-poms...okay maybe not. How about cheering babies?
6. "Moo!!" along with cowbell noises
5."Come here...I need to install your nose ring"
4. "Happy Smohrs make Happy milk"
3. "You really need to fix your leaky faucets"
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWnmCu3U09w
1. "Shannon is going tribal!!"

I hope Shannon doesn't kill me for posting this list!!


Analee said...

those are funny.
i like the cud one the best.

Analee said...

ok, so now that the space oddessy opener opened for me (slow computer day), THAT one is the best.

Shannon said...

I'll take these comments any day to the not-so-helpful comments/suggestions you made in those first few weeks when we three were trying to figure out the breastfeeding thing all while my nipples felt like they were going to fall off and I was horribly sleep-deprived!!! There were a couple of times that I visualized hurling something at your head!!! Ya gotta laugh or else you'd cry your eyes out!!!