Thursday, September 22, 2011


I admit that I do not know much about the U.S. Presidents, except for the "big ones." Washington, Jefferson, Abe, FDR, etc.. To rectify this situation, I decided to read a biography of all our presidents.

When I went to the library recently, I found an entire series has been written about almost every president. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that each book was relativelyh short....less than 200 pages. Whew....I was not looking forward to 1000 pages on each president.

The first presidential biography I read was Rutherford B. Hayes. Interesting fact: he did not drink and one reason he won was the anti-booze league voted for him overwhelmingly.

I also learned it is best to read the presidential biographies in order. Too much background material from previouis presidents to provide context. I guess I need to start with Madison and work my way forward.

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