Thursday, January 29, 2009

News Supplement

Oops. I forgot one big piece of news. I didn't realize I forgot until I downloaded the camera this evening.

Sophie & Jacqueline have graduated from the kitchen sink to the bathtub for their baths. Sophie has been splashing enthusiastically for several weeks. Also, since both can sit unassisted it made since to make the move. Tonight was their third bath in the tub and both had a great time playing and splashing. For the first time, Jacqueline and Sophie seemed to play with each other. They were touching each others faces, holding hands, and laughing.

From a parent's perspective, moving to the tub saves a lot of time. Efficiency and time management is key with twins!

The photo below is from their first bath in the tub.


Analee said...

i love that picture! they have adorable round bellies!

i only gave kendal a bath in the sink one time. that was enough for me. the whole kitchen was wet. he has always been a splasher... still is!

holly, now she has only had a few baths in the tub that amy and mark gave kendal. i prefer putting her in the shower with me. i think she likes it too, she makes lots of oohs and aahs while in there. i put kendal in the shower with me a lot too. suppose that was my method of time management. don't think that'd work too well with two though.

i just don't know how you do it, shannon!

Mrs. B said...

How cute!