Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Latest News

Whew…it has been too long since the last entry. The Thornburg clan had a triple whammy of 1) the Holidays and accompanying family activities, 2) Sophie, Jacqueline, Sophie (again), Shannon catching nasty colds, and 3) Jon taking care of sick Mom and babies then working nights and weekends on proposals. So, after a month life is finally getting back to normal (we’ll ignore the fact the Christmas decorations are still up).

We had a wonderful Christmas multiplied by 3. We celebrated early with Grandma & Grandpa Thornburg. Sophie & Jacqueline were most interested in eating the wrapping paper instead of their gifts. We spent a relaxing week in Pennsylvania at Babcia and Dziadek’s house. Tara, Mike and Alina were there too. We took many great photos of all three babies. (Slideshow update is coming soon.) This time, Jacqueline and Sophie started to enjoy unwrapping presents. The only bad part of the trip….Alina gave Sophie a cold for Christmas. Naturally, it was a gift that did not stop giving as everyone but Jon became sick.

We also started Jacqueline and Sophie on solid food over Christmas. Rice cereal is a big hit. Sweet potatoes, acorn squash, avocado, pears, and bananas have become favorites too over the last couple weeks. Cantaloupe is the only food they refuse to eat, although Jacqueline is not a big fan of barley. The baby food maker from Aunt Tara is used daily. Jacqueline and Sophie definitely prefer homemade versus jar food. The downside of solids foods is the messier and stinkier diapers, especially when Sophie isn’t constipated.

After returning home, we had a nice, quiet gift opening. Jacqueline and Sophie finally figured out the joy of unwrapping presents. They were not too interested in the final gift, but they enjoyed ripping paper.

Although we haven’t allowed Jacqueline and Sophie to play with all their gifts yet (saving some for later), they definitely have their favorites of the ones currently out. Probably their two favorite gifts are the “Sing Along Stage” and the “Crocodile Xylophone”. Yes, one major development milestone reached in the last month is both really enjoy banging on things and making noise. Sophie learned the joy of making noise first, but Jacqueline soon followed after she recovered from her cold.

Since learning to bang her toys to make noise, Sophie has lost some of her quiet, cautious demeanor. She is now reaching, grabbing, and pulling everything within reach towards her. She still becomes very focused on her current activity and studies the toy (or whatever) intently. She also sits unassisted all the time and is starting to show interest in crawling. She can do all the correct movements, but she hasn’t mastered combining them into the proper order. If placed in a crawling position by a parent, she can hold herself up but she has not figured out how to move yet. It shouldn’t be too long before she is mobile. And finally the biggest news….Sophie has two teeth! Her bottom two teeth broke through this month.
Jacqueline, actually, was sitting up first. However, her cold set her back a few weeks. This week she re-mastered this skill. It’s funny though that she still doesn’t show any interest in rolling over. We have seen her do it, honest! Every morning she is in the exact same position as the night before. Sophie, on the other hand, could be anywhere and in any position. Since she doesn’t like to roll over, Jacqueline is quickly learning to cruise. She lacks strength to pull herself up and to move on her own, but she can support herself unassisted for a few minutes. We still think she will be walking by 10 months. Jacqueline’s caring nature is becoming more evident too. She loves to caress Mom’s face and hair, pet the cats (especially Tweedle), and laugh at anything Raven does. She is definitely a “people person.” She also is much more talkative. During the last week, she has been jabbering away constantly, experimenting with all sorts of noises.

If you are interested, Mom and Dad are doing fine. We are definitely looking forward to Spring and ability to spend more time outside on weekends. In the meantime, we are starting swim lessons next week. Should be fun and a great photo opportunity! We’ll try to keep everyone updated more frequently.


Mrs. B said...

Great report. Can't wait to see you all again, hopefully soon (and when everyone is no longer sick!)

Question. Are the pix both of J? Or, is S now smiling a lot more so she resembles her flirty sister?

Mrs. B said...

Never mind. I clicked and got a bigger pix and see the top one is definitely Ms. S!

Shannon said...

You are right, it is Sophie! Both girls are really good with me and the camera. I can get it out, point it at them, and say "Smile for Mommy!" and they both do it!!! We have not tested this out at a professional photographer or in front of other people, though. I am sure that it would fail miserably. And, Sophie is still definitely the shyer one around is hard to get her to smile in public.

Analee said...

kendal preferred homemade food too... but after he got out of the "mush" stage (after 9 months or so), i think he preferred the earths best brand jar food! we ate a lot of that stuff. i tasted it, it was kinda bland to me (no salt). he always ate it all though.

he also liked cantaloupe... and turnip greens! but he hates everything now, except cheese, fish sticks, and mandarin oranges. so weird how he went from a great eater to a picky eater. (he eats good at daycare though, he'll eat anything for them!)

i can't wait to see the girls in person. i can tell in those pictures they are exploding with personality these days! kendal got to be SO much fun when he was their age.