Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Home Alone

So I have been home alone since Saturday night when I returned from Cleveland. Shannon, the girls, and Raven went to PA for a few weeks to escape the heat.

Yes, it is lonely without the ladies in the house. (I do have Raz and Tweedle and I do talk to them, but it is not the same.) However, I am managing to keep myself busy. So what have I been doing?? Here is an abbreviated list.

Saturday Night: Q-Shack for dinner then bed....I was exhausted.
Sunday: Worked in the office most of the day. Went to the Bulls game with Mark and Amy.
Monday Night: Went to Bulls game with a colleague from work...he had an extra ticket.
Tuesday Night: Actually stayed home! Watched a movie and read some.
Tonight: Working on a proposal and typing this blog.

I lead an exciting life, don't I?


Analee said...

if you were nathaniel, i'd be thinking "my floors better be clean and the laundry be folded and put away! humph. bored. i could think of a thousand things for you to do!"


maybe you need a break!

Mrs. B said...

Let me know if you are coming over for dinner. That will keep you a bit occupied, anyway! Mark needs help moving the furniture back into the guest bedroom, too :-)