Friday, July 31, 2009

"Terrible" 14 Months?

Everyone has heard of the "Terrible Two's", but what about the "Terrible 14 Months?"

Talking with Shannon last night, she mentioned Sophie has started throwing temper tantrums. Not just crying when she doesn't get her way. We are talking about the full, all out on the floor, banging hands, kicking legs, screaming, crying temper tantrum. I have a cell phone picture, but it is not very good. I'll ask Shannon to get a better picture.

Seems a little early for Sophie to act this way, but who knows? I am not a child psychologist. Maybe my little girl is maturing fast.

Needless to say, Shannon and her parents try mighty hard not to burst out laughing when Sophie throws her tantrums. They also are trying to teach Sophie not to get frustrated when she doesn't get her way. Sophie has always been a little obstinate and ornery...just like a Thornburg.

A side note to embarras Doc......he threw some pretty good tantrums when younger. I remember one tantrum at the Thornburg farmhouse where he screamed and cried right in the middle of the living room floor for a good 20 minutes before eventually falling asleep. (I guess tantrums are exhausting.) Mom, Dad, and everyone else ignored him the entire time. Most likely we continued talking and playing cards.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Home Alone

So I have been home alone since Saturday night when I returned from Cleveland. Shannon, the girls, and Raven went to PA for a few weeks to escape the heat.

Yes, it is lonely without the ladies in the house. (I do have Raz and Tweedle and I do talk to them, but it is not the same.) However, I am managing to keep myself busy. So what have I been doing?? Here is an abbreviated list.

Saturday Night: Q-Shack for dinner then bed....I was exhausted.
Sunday: Worked in the office most of the day. Went to the Bulls game with Mark and Amy.
Monday Night: Went to Bulls game with a colleague from work...he had an extra ticket.
Tuesday Night: Actually stayed home! Watched a movie and read some.
Tonight: Working on a proposal and typing this blog.

I lead an exciting life, don't I?

Friday, July 17, 2009

How I Spent My Friday Night

Fixing the leak on refrigerator/freezer.......

The joys of home ownership!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

10 Topics

10 Things I Like Talking About....

1. Beer
2. Sophie & Jacqueline
3. Current events
4. Corporate management do's and don'ts
5. Baseball
6. Proposal development
7. Books recently read
8. Shannon...preferably talking to her
9. Interesting problems or puzzles
10. Bull City politics


1. Cheese-aholic? Sophie

2. Food-aholic? Jacqueline...she eats anything!

3. Cruise-aholic? Sophie

4. Smile-aholic? Jacqueline

5. Stairs-aholic? Sophie

6. Fruit-aholic? Jacqueline and Sophie


New game today......

Jacqueline and Sophie are addicted to certain activities. We tease that they are "-aholics" because of the repetitive nature of their activities as they learn.

Can you guess who is the "aholic"? Note, some answers may be both Jacqueline and Sophie.

1. Cheese-aholic?
2. Food-aholic?
3. Cruise-aholic?
4. Smile-aholic?
5. Stairs-aholic?
6. Fruit-aholic?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sophie Milestone

Sophie walking across the kitchen floor to Mom!See Jacqueline clapping and cheering her sister on!?!?!

Video coming soon!