Sunday, April 20, 2008




Well, the furniture for the nursery arrived 1 week ago. I supervised the delivery with mixed results. I successfully guided the deliverymen as they carried the furniture upstairs without destroying any walls or the bannister. However, I failed to note two BIG issues with the furniture itself.

1. The furniture was not painted properly. In fact, all 3 pieces had different color schemes. The nightstand was painted properly. The dresser and armoire were not. Can you tell the difference?

2. Notice anything about the armoire (besides the paint)? Does it look more like a dresser? Why yes, it does. The top, "wardrobe" portion of the armoire was either left on the truck by the deliverymen or was not shipped with the other pieces. Everyone, including me, saw 4 "pieces" on the manifest and 4 "pieces" were delivered. Oops!

I partly blame myself for not noticing these issues and rejecting the furniture. I should have noticed the color schemes did not match and the armoire top was missing. I should have asked Smohr to remind me of the details about what we were to recieve. Although, I was awfully excited to receive the furniture and happy the house did not get damaged.

Anyway, Shannon has talked with the store and called the manufacturer. We are not getting many answers. Our current best guess is the armoire and dresser will be replaced at no charge. I'm not sure what happened to the top half of the armoire. I keep forgetting to ask Shannon.

I would prefer the manufacturer just send someone with the new drawers and top to the dresser. There is no need to replace all the pieces, only the drawers and dresser top. The drawers are easy to swap. The dresser top is more difficult, but still much easier than carrying the old back downstairs and hauling the new, correct dresser upstairs.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Whats a Happenin' Hot Stuff

Can you name the 80's teen movie that made the quote in the title famous?

Like Analee, it has been a while since either of us posted. Time is flyin' by and we're very busy with everything. Nursery preparations are still the big task. Besides working in the nursery itself, we're still wrapping up the "Great Purge of 2008". Work, doctor appointments, and general life take the remainder of our time.

Regarding the "Great Purge", Shannon said the other day "If I knew we had $700 of stuff we don't use sitting around the house, I would have sold it a long time ago." I think the total sales so far is $733 and change. I bet we have another $200 left to sell. It will be interesting to see if we hit the $1,000 mark!

Before I forget, March was a bad month for reading books. I only read 1. "Blue Adept" by Piers Anthony is the second book in the Adept series. It was okay. I don't really have much to say about it. The book was not very memorable.

Nursery preparations are going well. I finally remembered the technique for obtaining smooth joints when mudding sheet rock. It's all the wrist, baby. Daniel-san and Mr Myagi would be proud! I should finish the ceiling and polyurethane application tomorrow. Those are the "big", time consuming tasks. The remainder of the list is numerous small tasks....about an hour or two each. Electrical and re-installing the windows are two broad categories. Then it's on to the last big task....painting.

I took Monday, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, and Friday off to work on the nursery. Brian (Shannon's Dad) helped for a couple hours Friday afternoon. Help with time consuming tasks is greatly appreciated since it frees me to tackle other issues.

So how do I entertain myself while working? My main entertainment this time has been the radio. 98.7 "Simon" and "96 Rock" play pretty good music. I haven't listened to any books this time. When I'm sanding or making other noise that drowns out the radio, I like to think. I make mental lists of renovation tasks and supply needs. I think about work (is that time billable?) when an idea hits me. Obviously, I think about Sophie and Jacqueline. Having them around will be fun. I think about what life will be like next spring, whether we are here or in KC. Either way, I can't wait to take them to the park for picnics, stroll the neighborhood, and hang out in the yard.

Gotta run.....time to get dressed for the baby shower!

Everyone just left. I have 20 minutes before I and my neighbor Shirley driver over to Piedmont. Shirley is a great neigbhor. We call her the matriarch of the 'hood. She sits on her porch, watching the world go by. She's a quick wit and very loyal. Shirley and all our neigbhors is one huge reason why we'd consider staying in NC. We've built strong, lasting friendships with many of our neighbors. We're definitely scared we would not build the same friendships in KC.

Job status update. I went to MRI for a second interview in late March. I also spent a day driving KC with a real-estate agent to get a feel for the city. Interview went well. MRI definitely wants me. RTI, my current company, wants me to stay. I've talked with my new boss (she started in January) several times. She really supports my concept for career growth because it will benefit her and the group too. My opinion is she wants to "clean house" and re-build the center around her research, my work, and other young researchers currently in the group. She seems to be pushing the older crew out the door. Two already are "retiring" and a third may be retiring later this summer. We shall see. I think the job situation will be decided by the intangibles.

So what do I think of KC? KC seemed like a nice city. Since it is larger, KC has more historic neighborhoods. I'm positive we could find a house there. Of course, we love our house in Durham too. We easily could stay in our current home for 20 or 30 more years.

The pets are doing well. Tweedle and Raz are happy the windows are open. Tweedle prowls the house going from window to window, especially at night. Raven has finally figured out something is "up" with Shannon. Raven has become very protective. She won't let Shannon out of her sight. When people come over, Raven is constantly by her side. It is very sweet.

It is now Friday. I am in San Antonio, TX. Last day of a 4 day business trip. I go home for a day then head to Birmingham, AL. All my clients want field projects completed before my self-imposed ban on travel effective May 1. I've had some killer Mexican food in San Antonio. With all the Latinos in the Triangle, I wish we had better Mexican restaurants. Please stop "Americanizing" the food!

I really need to post this blog.....gotta go back to work. More on the baby shower later.